Zeckenübertragene Krankheiten – Lagebericht Schweiz
(tick transmitted diseases – status report Switzerland)
July 2, 2020, Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG)

BAG-Bulletin 29/2020, July 13, 2020, Meldungen Infektionskrankheiten
Stand am Ende der 27. Woche (07.07.2020)
(status signal about infectious diseases, end of week 27)

Aktuelle Statistik meldepflichtiger Infektionskrankheiten, 28. Woche 2020 (Datenstand 15. 7. 2020)
Weitere ausgewählte meldepflichtige Infektionskrankheiten
(Latest statistics of notifiable infectious diseases. Additional selected notifiable diseases, dataset – July 15, 2020))
Epid. Bull., 29/2020, July 16, 2020

Heidemarie Holzmann, Medical University of Vienna, Center of Virology, Vienna, Austria, personal communication

Jan Kynčl, Head, Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology, National Institute of Public Health, Praha, Czech Republic, personal communication

Rubel, F. and Brugger, K.
Tick-borne encephalitis incidence forecasts for Austria, Germany, and Switzerland
Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2020, in press, doi.org/10.1016/j.ttdis.2020.101427

The number of yearly reported TBE cases is fluctuating in Central Europe.
Here, the trend for 2020 is summarized for Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. So far, a high number of cases has been notified in these three countries and one can expect a high number of cases until end of this year. In this context, the forecast given by Rubel and Brugger (2020) is newsworthy. Based on various criteria, these authors have predicted many TBE cases occurring in the German speaking countries this year.

Four countries in detail:

Since 2000, the number of reported TBE cases from January to end of June was in the range from 24 to 206. This year, 198 TBE cases have been registered until end of June. This is the second highest number of cumulated cases from January to June since 2000 (206 in 2018). According to the report of the Swiss Health Office, a total of 215 cases have been reported until end of week 27, which is even more than in the record-setting year 2018 with 190 cases.

By week 28, 2020, a total of 226 TBE cases have been reported in Germany – compared to 205 in 2019. This number is far above the longtime average.

Until week 28/2020, a total of 93 TBE cases have been reported. In comparison, 47 cases were notified in 2019 and 84 in 2018 for the same period.

Czech Republic
End of June 2020, there have been 158 notified cases of TBE in the Czech Republic. In the same period in 2019, there were 119 cases reported and the year before (2018) 138 cases.

Michael Bröker is grateful to Heidemarie Holzmann and Jan Kynčl for providing the current case numbers in Austria and the Czech Republic.

TBE Book