Dobler, G.
Tick-borne encephalitis – Germany (02): (Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria)
ProMED mail (International Society for Infectious Diseases)
Sunday, 6th September 2020
Dobler, G.
Up to date: FSME-Fallzahlen in Deutschland auf Rekordniveau
(Up to date. Number of TBE cases in Germany on a record high)
The yearly number of reported TBE cases in Central Europe is fluctuating.
Earlier this year, a relatively high number of cases has been reported from Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Czech Republic (see Snapshot week 30/2020).
Now, it is being reported that the number of TBE cases in Germany is approaching record numbers. According to the Robert Koch-Institute in Berlin, 530 cases have been reported by Sept. 6, 2020. About 90% of all cases occur in only two Federal States: Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Many cases are now reported from altitudes of 550 to 600 m (the preferred regions for people looking for recreation and relaxation), while in lower altitudes, the number of cases are not significantly different from 2019.
Two reasons may explain this increase of TBE numbers.
- Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, more people spend their holidays in Germany and have more recreational activities in southern Germany.
- Due to climate change, ticks have a better chance of survival during wintertime, and there is a higher circulation of TBE virus among rodents and ticks – also in higher altitudes.
A high number of TBE cases is also reported from Austria: 205 cases by August 25, 2020, the highest number since 1986.
From Switzerland, the highest number of cases since 1988 has been reported, when TBE notification was installed.