List of contents

Gerhard Dobler, Wilhelm Erber, Michael Bröker, Lidia Chitimia-Dobler and
Heinz-Josef Schmitt – Editors

Chapter 1: Tick-borne human diseases around the globe
Tatjana Vilibić-Čavlek, Maja Bogdanić, Vladimir Savić, Ljubo Barbić, Vladimir Stevanović, Bernard Kaić

Chapter 2: Tick-borne-flavivirus serocomplex: phylography and bio-geography

Chapter 3a: Early TBE research in the Soviet Union: revisiting the narrative
Anna Mazanik

Chapter 3b: Short history of TBE research and the scientists behind it
Mirko Lange, Lidia Chitimia-Dobler, Gerhard Dobler

Chapter 4: TBE virology
Daniel Růžek, Kentaro Yoshii, Marshall E. Bloom, †Ernest A. Gould

Chapter 5: TBEV-transmission and natural cycles
Lidia Chitimia-Dobler

Chapter 6: Pathogenesis of TBEV-diseases
Anna K Överby, Saravanan Thangamani

Chapter 7: Immunology of TBEV infection
Kyra D. Zens, Rahel Ackermann-Gäumann

Chapter 8: TBE in children
Malin Veje, Zane Freimane, Dace Zavadska

Chapter 9: TBE in adults
Johann Sellner, Petra Bogovic, Joanna Zajkowska

Chapter 10: TBE in animals
Martin Pfeffer, Hannah M. Schmuck, Michael Leschnik

Chapter 11: Diagnostic of TBEV-infections
Gerhard Dobler

Chapter 12: Epidemiology of TBE
Wilhelm Erber, Michael Broeker, Gerhard Dobler, Lidia Chitimia-Dobler, Heinz-Josef Schmitt

Chapter 13: Countries with confirmed TBE

  • Austria: Karin Stiasny, Simon Raffl, Stephan W. Aberle, Judith H. Aberle
  • Belarus: Oksana Hanenko, Natalia Kolomiets, Alla Dashkevich, Vlada Zapolskaya, Igor Stoma
  • Belgium: Marjan Van Esbroeck, Tinne Lernout, Vanessa Suin, Steven Van Gucht
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: Tamara Vuković-Janković, Wilhelm Erber
  • Bulgaria: Iva Christova
  • China: Junfeng Yang, Heinz-Josef Schmitt
  • Croatia: Tatjana Vilibić-Čavlek, Maja Bogdanić, Vladimir Savić, Ljubo Barbić, Vladimir Stevanović, Bernard Kaić
  • Czech Republic: Petr Pazdiora
  • Denmark: Anders Fomsgaard
  • Estonia: Kuulo Kutsar
  • Finland: Anu Jääskeläinen, Heidi Åhman
  • France: Yves Hansmann, Aurélie Velay
  • Germany: Gerhard Dobler
  • Hungary: Anna Nagy, Ferenc Schneider, Eszter Mezei, András Lakos
  • Italy: Valentina Tagliapietra, Martina Del Manso, Flavia Riccardo, Anna Teresa Palamara
  • Japan: Kentaro Yoshii
  • Kazakhstan: Andrey Dmitrovskiy, Zhanna Shapiyeva
  • Kyrgyzstan: Wilhelm Erber
  • Latvia: Dace Zavadska, Zane Freimane
  • Lithuania: Auksė Mickienė
  • Moldova: Olga Sofronie, Olga Burduniuc, Greta Bălan
  • Mongolia: Tserennorov Damdindorj, Uyanga Baasandagva, Uranshagai Narankhuu, Tsogbadrakh Nyamdorj, Burmaajav Badrakh, Burmaa Khoroljav
  • Netherlands: Johannes H. J. Reimerink, Hein Sprong, Margriet Harms, Chantal B.E.M. Reusken
  • Norway: Rose Vikse, Urusha Maharjan, Arnulf Soleng, Heidi H. Lindstedt, Rikard Rykkvin, Kristian Alfsnes, Åshild K. Andreassen
  • Poland: Katarzyna Pancer
  • Romania: Lidia Chitimia-Dobler, Adriana Hristea, Wilhelm Erber, Tamara Vuković-Janković
  • Russia: Sergey Tkachev, Maria Esyunina, Maria Syrochkina
  • Serbia: Pavle Banović
  • Slovakia: Jana Kerlik
  • Slovenia: Zoran Simonović, Veronika Učakar, Maja Praprotnik
  • South Korea: Joon Young Song
  • Sweden: Åke Lundkvist
  • Switzerland and Liechtenstein: Kyra Zens
  • Ukraine: Iryna Kolesnikova, Khrystyna Hrynkevych
  • United Kingdom: Maya Holding, Gillian Ellsbury

Chapter 14: Public health aspects of TBE
Phung Lang, Rahel Ackermann

Chapter 15: TBE vaccines licensed around the globe
Eva Maria Pöllabauer, Herwig Kollaritsch


Publication of this book was funded by Pfizer Inc.

ISSN: 2661-3980 | Published online on June 28, 2024

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TBE Book