Bundesamt für Gesundheit [Federal Office for Health]
Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis (FSME): Ausweitung der Risikogebiete
[Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE): Expansion of the risk areas]
BAG-Bulletin 6/2019, page 12-14

The yearly number of reported TBE cases is fluctuating in Switzerland, and a trend of increasing numbers have been observed since 1984. In 2018, the highest number of TBE cases has been registered in Switzerland since reporting begun. A dramatic increase occurred during the last four years
2015: 121 cases
2016: 202 cases
2017: 269 cases
2018: 377 cases (incidence: 4.41/1000.000 population).

In parallel, the number of TBE risk areas in Switzerland increased during the last 20 years. At the beginning of the millennial, most TBE cases were observed in the north-eastern region of Switzerland and since then the risk area spread westward and southward. Today, only the cantons Geneva (Southwest CH) and Ticino (South CH) are of lower risk to get TBE. Consequently, the whole country is now regarded as a TBE risk area – except of these two cantons. Vaccination is recommended for everyone aged at least six years of age and living or staying in a risk area. For children between one and six years of age, an individual assessment must be made. This simplified vaccination recommendation may increase the vaccination coverage which currently is about 30%. This new definition of Swiss risk areas (more or less the whole of Switzerland) may also be important for travelers from abroad.

TBE Book